Debt calculator
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Getting started
Use this tool to do help you calculate your financial situation. Add the information to your ‘Agreement builder - Finances tool’ along with your thoughts around what outcomes you’d like to see.
NOTE: You cannot save this tool into your activity dashboard. Therefore, we suggest that you write down the totals for future use. You may want to add them into your Agreement Builder - Finances tool at a later date.
What do you think of Separation Planner?
We’d love to get your feedback on your experience of using Separation Planner. We’ve put together a survey that gives you the opportunity to tell us what you think.
We will use your information to understand better how our users use the service and to help us improve it for users in the future.
Check your situation with our assessment tools
Agreement Builder - Finances
The process of answering the questions in each agreement builder should help you consider what outcomes are best for your children and both of you. They can form a useful starting point when discussing your situation with your ex-partner or a legal representative such as a solicitor.