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If you’ve got children there are many aspects to consider to ensure that there are good outcomes for them. Depending on their age you’ll need to think about how you involve them, how you cater for their needs and how you make sure that the costs involved are covered too. This topic has lots of articles and tools to help you get to grips with it all.

  • children living costs

    Children's living costs

    Use this tool to do some basic calculations on day to day costs for your child/ren. This will help you when planning your next steps.

  • Child eating cereals

    Motivation checker - Children

    How you’re going to be effective co-parents apart is one of the most important things you’ll need to figure out. It can be one of the hardest issues – very emotive. This tool aims to give you a head start to managing this well. It will help you explore your own motivations and emotions, and be curious about where your ex may be coming from and what lies behind their ideas.

  • agreement builder

    Agreement builder - Children

    The process of answering the questions in each agreement builder should help you consider what outcomes are best for your children and both of you. They can form a useful starting point when discussing your situation with your ex-partner or a legal representative such as a solicitor.

  • Help with childcare costs

    Help with childcare costs is available from the government and employers - from Tax-Free Childcare to free childcare. Working families may get £2,000 per child each year towards childcare with Tax-Free Childcare. This article takes you through of the options available to you.

  • Changes that may affect maintenance payments

    Paying or receiving spousal maintenance can be difficult for both parties. It means having to re-think your household budget, while trying to get to grips with your new circumstances. This article and links will help you work out how any changes in income, new relationships and other events might impact maintenance payments.

  • How much child maintenance should I pay?

    If you and your ex-partner have children, you’re both expected to continue to pay towards their costs after you separate. And often that means one parent will pay the other. You can agree this between you or, if you can’t agree, ask the Child Maintenance Service to calculate the amount. This article and links take you through the options.

  • Childcare options

    Choosing the right childcare can be a daunting task. This article takes you through the different options - think about which ones suit your family’s needs and budget best.

  • Money and child maintenance

    Your separation may not go as smoothly as either you or your ex had planned, expected or wished. Money matters in particular are often an area of dispute.

  • How to arrange child maintenance

    If you have children, both parents are expected to pay towards the cost of bringing them up until they’re at least 16. There are several ways you can arrange child maintenance. This article looks at the options available to you.

  • What to do with children’s accounts and savings if you separate

    Any money or savings in your child’s name belong to them and not to you or your ex-partner. But you may need to notify the bank, building society or the government about changes to your circumstances. This article and links look at the different options.

  • Review insurance for dependents and your will on separation if you were cohabiting

    Separating from your partner may mean that you need to take out extra life insurance or to change or draw up a new will. Find out what you can do to make sure any dependants, such as children, are financially protected.

  • Preparing to tell the children

    Many people who’ve separated say separation is worse than death because when someone dies you can have a funeral and say goodbye. When you separate, you experience the death of your 'couple relationship' and yet there are no obvious rituals like a funeral to help you. This can make things hard to move on.

  • Review insurance for dependents and your will during divorce or dissolution

    When you’ve separated from your husband, wife or civil partner, you may have to take out extra life insurance or change your will or get a new one. Find out the steps you can take to make sure your family is protected.

  • Talking to grown up children

    Even though your child may have grown up and in many ways be independent, inside your adult son or daughter is a child watching their mum and dad separate.

  • Understanding your child's needs and behaviour

    Most children do come to terms with their parents’ separation and adjust to changes in family life. But it can take months or even years. You and your child's other parent may discover different needs from your child at different times.

  • Involving children in decisions

    As you become a separated co-parent, you’ll have many decisions to make, now and in the future. This can seem daunting.

  • Your child’s self-esteem

    Sometimes children have bad thoughts and feelings about themselves when their parents split up. They think that somehow they must be to blame for their mum and dad’s separation.

  • Ask Ammanda: How do I tell my grown-up children I'm getting a divorce?

    Our youngest son (18) recently left home to move to another city. Things haven’t been good between me and my husband for a while (i.e. five years or more), but having time to talk about things properly has made it clear neither of our hearts are really in this anymore.

  • Protecting children from arguments

    Much as you may not want to argue within sight or sound of your children, it can happen. Separation is a difficult time for everyone.

  • Average childcare costs

    Parents now pay an average of over £6,600 per year, for just a part-time nursery place, so it takes up a large chunk of the family budget. In areas like London, costs can be much higher. It’s essential to budget carefully for your childcare costs and claim all the help that’s available.

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