If you are splitting up from your partner and own your home between you, one of the biggest financial decisions you could face is what happens to it. Find out what you need to do and what your options are if you are not married or in a civil partnership.
Dividing the family home and mortgage during separation if you were cohabiting
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(taken from user feedback of this service)
Dividing the family home and mortgage during separation if you were cohabiting
Check your situation with our assessment tools
Agreement Builder - Dividing stuff
The process of answering the questions in each agreement builder should help you consider what outcomes are best for your children and both of you. They can form a useful starting point when discussing your situation with your ex-partner or a legal representative such as a solicitor.
Assets calculator
Use this tool to do help you calculate your financial situation. Add the information to your 'Agreement builder - Dividing stuff tool' along with your thoughts around what outcomes you'd like to see.