The Money Advice Service offer advice on If both of you have agreed to end your relationship and your finances are straightforward, you should be able to sort out a divorce or dissolution relatively quickly and cheaply.
DIY (do-it-yourself) divorce or dissolution
What do you think of Separation Planner?
We’ve put together a survey that gives you the opportunity to tell us what you think. We will use your information to understand better how our users use the service and to help us improve it for users in the future.
Check your situation with our assessment tools
Getting documents together
You will need to get together a range of information, depending on your current circumstances. Here’s a list of the kinds of things you may need.
Informing others
There will be a number of people and organisations that you will need to contact and let know about your change of circumstances, here’s a list of who you may need to inform.
Budget Planner
Use the Money Advice Service's free Budget Planner to put you in control of your household spending and analyse your results to help you take control of your money.